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Who should report?
We are now able to report all hours that we do on behalf of the Republican cause.
We may report all compensated hours and for paid positions, such as staff members – we also now report all time attending our regular club meetings.
Why is it important to report my hours?
Volunteer hours measure the influence of Republican Women in the election process. Our hours are reported upstream to the Texas Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. Frequently, we are recognized for the high number of hours we spend working for Republican causes (including the elections). This enhances our ability to attract quality speakers to our meetings and encourages the participation of public officials at our functions.
And, we are very competitive. We like to win prizes at the state and national level for our efforts! There are prizes offered for the clubs and for the members with the most hours. When should I report my hours?
Hours should be reported monthly in the first week of the subsequent month. If you forget, please report your hours at the first available opportunity.
How do I track and report my hours?
Many members use a paper calendar/planner and write their hours down every day, then add them up at the end of the month. Others track their time via an app on their phone.
Use the form below to report your hours. Note that hours are simply reported as a total. For example, in March, you add up your hours and report 120. That's it - no details required. |
What hours should I report?
Hours spent to help get Republican candidates elected. (However, hours for which you are compensated cannot be counted for this purpose.) Examples include time spent:
Hours spent working at Republican Party County Headquarters - including your commute and any preparation time. Hours spent attending Republican Party and Republican Women meetings and conventions - including your commute and any time preparing for the events (includes county and state party events, local (other clubs & GSAC), TFRW - quarterly board meetings, legislative day, leadership training, biennial convention, etc). Time spent participating in training and educational events having to due with your involvement with the Republican party whether in person or online (such as Leadership Institute. Time spent as a volunteer in elections (such as poll watcher) - paid positions, however, like election judge or election clerk cannot be included. Time spent on social media furthering the Republican cause; Time spent working on fundraisers and events for our Club ( local, state and national Republican clubs also), including:
Copyright © 2024 Canyon Lake Republican Women PAC
Paid for by the Canyon Lake Republican Women PAC, Cindy Payne, Treasurer, PO Box 2751, Canyon Lake, TX 78133. Contributions not federal tax-deductible as charitable contributions. Corporate contributions not permitted. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee |